Friday, January 13, 2012

Welcome friends!

connemara, ireland: taken from my hiking trip this past fall. a perfect symbol for a new beginning
During my morning meditation yesterday, I had a wave of inspiration to begin this blog and create an online space for the inner space of healing, transformation, exploration, dreams, and intuition. Territories that may be transversed include yoga, meditation, flower essences, practical spiritual habits, travel, relevant book or movie reviews, intuitive guidance, health/nutrition, personal discoveries and challenges, dream exploration, and artistic expression. I also hope to share some amazing articles, podcasts, and other resources that I have discovered along the way as well as create my own audio and/or video meditations and yoga classes. This is just a brainstorm that may expand and contract as time goes on and as this space comes into being more fully. I am going to start with a weekly feature called, Reset Sunday, which will include a tip or challenge for the week to inspire us all to honor our bodies, minds, and spirits a little more. I encourage feedback, questions, and dialogue from you along the way.
I have also just begun to do intuitive healing sessions, if you are interested in learning more about them or about me, click here.


  1. You are a wonderful writer, can't wait to follow your blog! -Irene

  2. I am looking forward to reading your blogs especially now because I will have more time in my day-to-day life. I just know I will be inspired to be better than I am today!


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